Thursday, March 12, 2009


So on Tuesday night, at 7:30PM I went and saw watchmen. I did however have some company it was not a solo adventure. Scott, Herron, Dan, and Mel all joined me to enjoy watchmen!
I do wish Katie would of come along to see it, even if i dont believe she would of liked the movie all that much.

I personally thought the movie was great! Really really loved the camera angles and shots that Zack Snyder did. He did an awesome job with everything about the movie. A few critics really were bashing the movie hardcore actually leading me to believe it wasn’t going to be good. But when I went to DC with Katie Ryan and Brooke, Brooke made me want to see the movie again!

I do have to say it was one of the move violent movies I’ve ever seen! I feel they did a very good job with giving enough background on all of the charters, maybe a few more could of been explained. However I didn’t feel it was completely necessary. I mean the movie was 2 Hours and 40 Min. long as is... Anymore and the movie would become a series!
I give the movie an 8.4/10!

Did I mention I really liked watchmen!

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