
Everything I am listing below is something that is helping me becoming a better photographer. I am in not way a Pro, just trying to help people gather information that I have/do find helpful to improving myself. 

  • This is a good article to understand why to shoot RAW, or making a decision on shooting in RAW. Great Article on RAW vs. JPEG... Basically why you should shoot RAW
    • TL;DR* Basically shooting RAW allows you to not worry about White Balance, and give you more detail in post processing the images. Everything that you do to a JPEG destroys the image, while RAW preserves the quality. 

  • I feel it is great to understand how to get great composition in a photo. One idea of doing this is nicely explained by Digital Photography School. In this Article is gives great examples of adding another dimension, or composition to your photo. This will help the viewer focus quickly on the subject you intended. - Frame You Images -Digital Photography School

*TL;DR = Too Long, Didn't Read.

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