Pictures from Friends

So, I have been asking people to send me pictures they find cool, interesting, or just enjoy.
So this section of the blog will just be posting their pictures giving them all the credit, and just trying to talk about what I like in each photo.

4/17/2012 - Dan sent in an awesome angle of the Comcast Building. Great job at having the eye lead all the way to the top of the photo, without clipping the top of it off.

4/14/2012 - Joe sent me these photos. Just awesome! Thank you for these, the drama with the bird and corn cob... Words can not describe the emotion..
ConcRete animal

Bird, corn cob, south philly, concrete.

4/9/2012 - This picture came from Katie. It is of our cat William, god bless him!

3/21/2012 - Joe sent over some pictures, this is a little bit different compared to the skyline photos.
I like the diversity, keep things interesting.  Let me know what you think.

Joe - "Sorry it's not RAW"

Joe Lutz - BlackBerry 9650

Joe Lutz - BlackBerry 9650

3/14/2012 - Another excellent view on the Philly Sky Line.
Dan - "From the 31st floor of a Job"

3/13/2012 - Here are a few more sent in from Dan again. Check them out let me know what you think, and if you have a questions.

Dan Kramer- iPhone 4  
Dan Kramer- iPhone 4  

Dan Kramer- iPhone 4 

Dan Kramer- iPhone 4  

Dan Kramer- iPhone 4

Dan Kramer- iPhone 4  

Dan Kramer- iPhone 4  
Dan Kramer- iPhone 4  

Today (3/6/2012): we have our first two photos sent from Dan Kramer, both taken from this iPhone 4.
Dan Kramer- iPhone 4 
  • This picture is great for a couple of reasons:
    • Framing and Reflection of Liberty 1 off of the Comcast building. 
    • The building to the right pulls my eyes right towards the Liberty 1 building.
The composition of the photo is great. This one thing I want to start to try, framing subjects to try to pull the eye in. I feel it will really help with making better photos. 

Dan Kramer - iPhone 4
  • This picture seems to pull your eyes right towards the top of Liberty 1 & 2, with the sky being washed out to help increase this effect. 
Great job Dan! I really like the photos, and hope to see more!

If you want to submit any photo, please just email them to me, and I will post them!

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