Saturday, January 19, 2013

Changing the format of my blog - Diversifying

I am going to start changing the format of my blog, and stop posting strictly my own pictures. I am going to start posting areas of photography I find interesting in the field of photography. This was per Katie's (my wife) suggestion.

I have been thinking about buying the 35mm f/1.8 DX lens. I currently own the 50mm f/1.8 FX lens. Since I have a cropped sensor, the 50mm is now a 75mm (with the 1.5x cropped sensor multiplier).

Two main reasons I want to buy this lens:
1. I love the bokeh of the f/1.8 which let a lot of light in.
2. I needed a more wide angle lens, especially since the 50mm indoors is so zoomed in.

Reasons why I don't want to buy the lens:
1. I don't want to buy a DX lens, I want to upgrade to a FX lens.

I don't think to struggle with one lens, in hopes that one day of buying a full framed camera.
This is not a good enough reason not to, buy it. When the day comes to finally purchase a full frame (FX) camera body. I will just sell this lens.

So in 2 weeks or so I will be purchasing this as my next lens. The next question is buy it used off of ebay, or to buy it brand new.  I think I will be buying this lens brand new, since the savings will be around $40-50. For the piece of mind at a price tag of $50, I feel it is worth it to buy brand new.

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