Monday, January 16, 2012

Google's new Search update.

Google has recently update their search engine to incorporate Google Plus. This is their big push to convert people to their social networking.
I believe I am a Google lover, and Google could never do wrong in my eyes....Until now....

This is Google's bread and butter, the one thing that truly defines them. Android I believe is still a close second to the precious search engine. I remember when I fully converted over to Google, the summer of 2004. I kindly said goodbye to Yahoo, and it has been magic... Until now. 

I understand I can turn off the social network part of the search, but I simply don't want to click it every time. I feel is is excessive, and well extremely forward almost rude. I would like to see the stats, showing how this integration has helped G+. 

I already feel the search network algorithm is too perfect as is, and putting us in these hyper bubbles... But that is for another time... This fight is kindly asking Google, Please remove that box.... or At least make it so we can have a default setting, with it to continue sitting there. In case that day comes, I am curious what everyone is thinking and have to search for it, instead of the actual social networking sites.  

If it becomes annoying enough, I may end of switching my main search engine... but for now.. I'll forgive you Google, just lets correct this slight hiccup.

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