Friday, June 3, 2011

Google's Music Beta

Google had released a cloud based music server. Following this sever, they also released a sign up BETA test trial.
I thought it would be a great idea to sign up, and the worst that would happen is I never hear from them again!
Yesterday, the following email appeared into my inbox:

So, I thought I would fulfill my commitment and sign up.

First impressions of the system and interface:

  • Love that is just automatically sync's with the music player on my phone.
    • The "Cloud based" songs look no different than the songs stored on my SD card.
    • The interface and scrolling speed seem almost seamless.
  • The 20,000 song limit, extremely impressive!
    • Normally it's a storage limit, but to have it just be actual songs without being dependent on size - Bravo Google!
  • I love the interface on my Droid X, everything is extremely well polished.

I will give an update as I get things working, and actually upload all of my songs to the Google Music based server.

Some things I have seen problems with.
    • I was having "Force Closed" issues with Music player on my Droid X. This seems to be when it was trying to stream from the Google servers, in low signal areas the program became confused and just kicks the program out.

I do understand the music player is still in BETA mode. 

I hope this is helpful, and please give me some of your feedback if you were lucky enough to be picked for Google's Music Beta.

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