Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Self Challenge

Motivational Goals - For my, I am getting married November 18, 2011.
My goal this year, was to drop some weight, and become proud of my achievements.
This is all thanks my true motivation - Katie!

However, I did not want to just lose weight. I want this adjustment to become a lifestyle.
One of my first goals, were to want to start exercising every day. I understand this is easier said than done. I am the type of person, once I get started on something it become routine. Patient, is really the key word. If you keep working at something and truly commit to the change you want to see in yourself, it will happen.
Please note: You have to want the goals you are setting for yourself. Anything less than 100% commitment can result in quitting. This can be attributed to unrealistic goals, enablers, and just a lack of commitment.
I knew, after a two months of continuous exercising I would start to fall in love with it. 
 Goal # 1 - Making exercising part of my everyday lifestyle.
  • I wanted to have it to the point where, if I do not exercise I will miss the feeling.
    • Please do not take this as me bragging, I just know myself. This was a realistic goal. It did take 2 solid months of continuous pushing myself to go to the gym, to make exercise routine.
 Goal # 2 - Correct any eating habit that can be detrimental to your final goal.
·         Portion control - This is different for everyone, my problem was not junk food it was the serving size. I learned that eating 1600 calories of healthier food, satisfied me just the same as eating 4-5 pieces of pizza.
·         Body acceptance - Go see a therapist to help you look at everything that being overweight has done to your soul. What callous and disreputable assholes have said to me built up over time and it hurts. I will prove them wrong.
·         High fiber, tons of greens, lean meats - You will crave processed sugar like it's heroin. Ignore this and keep eating healthy. Time will end the addiction.
Goal # 3 - Do this for you and you alone! - I was able to finally become motivated due to my wedding coming up. I was lazy, and embarrassed to deal with my weight gain. There is no quick fix for weight loss. It will take time, and in the end... All we really have is time! This is my way. Find your own and be strong.
·         Ditching the scale is optional. Please pay attention to sustained effort, not the fluctuations of body weight. I like to use the scale because the reward seems quicker. I do however use my waist size as an indicator. Both are strong indicators of overall weight changes. If you do go the scale route, I strongly recommend weighting yourself once a week, any more can start to become discouraging!

Good Luck with Everything and Please let me know any results questions you have!

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