Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Photo Challenge Results

Hello Everyone,
The first round of photo challenges are finally submitted.
I think I have to pick the first round winners.
For the up coming challenges, I want to start to have voting happening for the winners.
This will require having people voting. So until votes actually start to happen, I will keep picking the winners.


Tied for 3rd Place. 

Please gaze upon computer dog in his natural habitat. Computer dog is savvy and very steady as he whisks your computer to his secret workshop. No laptops, please

My caption is nature is brought to me
or natural ingredients
  the latter makes more sense

2nd Place:

 1st Place:
pretty cool scene... beers were 5 dollars a piece so i went back home and got a backpack full of pbr and watched a 3 legged goat name Peg win

Thank You everyone who sent in pictures!

I hope everyone will want to join in the next Photo Challenge.

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