Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Growing Strawberries

This weekend, I wanted to grow some strawberries.
Katie's mom, had just the kit to attempt to grow some strawberries.

 Step by Step for how I set up the grow pot. I will keep you up to date with the progress.

The Strawberry Seeds

The Planting Pot

Top Soil
I didn't have a watering cup, so I had to make one.
Simply done by taking a paper cup, and poking/cutting holes in it with a knife.

Water the soil/dirt.

I added the soil in slowly, and moisten/watered it along the way.
I stated to add the seeds using a tooth pick to create a hole in the dirt. 

Putting the seeds in with the tooth pick, on the side pockets.
Make sure not to put the seeds too deep, they need to have the sun light be able to reach.
Final product, after giving the soil one last watering!

Here's to some tasty and fast growing Strawberries.

Just a bit of comic relief, Enjoy!

 P.S. - Thank you to Katie for being my lovely hand model! 

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