Thursday, November 29, 2012


Instagram has become a growing contender in my life for social media time. I know it takes a lot of heat (haters), for being an app that has such a limited and hyper focused point of view. But I feel it is so much more than that!

Facebook (even if they now own Instagram) doesn't impress me the way Instagram has recently. Facebook seems to be this place to talk only about yourself. A world for people who need that outlet to brag/vent/cry about themselves, in hope that all of their Facebook friends are hanging onto their every word. I even find myself guilty of this, hoping to post things to Facebook and get the feed back and conversations that Reddit sparks. Never the case haha!

However with Instagram there is only images, no need to try to impress the world with you witty comment. Just take a half decent picture of what is going on in your life at that moment and send it on its way.

Why I use Instagram:
-I consider it a modern day scrap book .
-Allows me to let people know what is going on in my life through imagery!
-Simple and Fun

Things I learned not to do.
-Take pictures of yourself alone.
No one cares and it add little interest to even atop and look at the photo... I find myself just moving right past self portrait images. I do stop for a brief second to look at group photos, they are more enjoyable.
-Posting quotes or pictures of text, just seems unnecessary and that is something that can be done on Facebook.

Try to shoot all the time letting people know what is going on in you life. Take pictures of everything in your life, but think before you shoot...

Below are my last 3 images I posted to Instagram.

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