Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Photos from Friends and My Apology about the Long Delay.

I wanted to start off by saying I'm sorry about the long delay since my last post.
A lot of new things have been going on, and technical stuff has been happening that has prohibited my from posting as much as I wish I could.

My laptop is giving me a ton of problems, and why I haven't been posting alot.

First the plug inside the computer broke, then the battery died. $40 later I think it is back up a running!
I know I usually post friends pictures on the friend site, but since it has been so long since I have posted anything here are some that have been sent to me.

First up is from Joe Lutz:
I have not got any background stories on the photos, but I hope you enjoy them.
Taken on BlackBerry 9650
Taken on a BlackBerry 9650
Radnor - Taken on a Blackberry 9650
Next up is from Dan: Alot of awesome cityscape shots. 

City Hall - iPhone 4 - f/2.8, 1/1257s, ISO-80
City Hall - iPhone 4 - f/2.8, 1/15s, ISO-320, 4mm
Lastly from Katie: Amazing Picture of William. I love the dimension of the photo. The feet pull you into his eyes. 
William - iPhone 4 - f/2.8, 1/15s, ISO-1000, 4mm
I hope to be posting more again! Since the laptop is back up and working. I can start posting a lot of pictures. Especially the ones from Ireland.
Great job guys! Keep the photos coming!

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