Monday, April 23, 2012

Washington Monument

When using the 50mm f/1.8 I was having trouble getting the entire monument in focus. I have been learning about the Brenizer Method, and tried it with a the following image.

Background: Instead of trying to fit everything in the frame by moving far away, I thought I could try the Brenizer Method or a Panorama shot. I just cropped the image so it keeps the same aspect ratio. The following image stitched together of  16 images.

The reason I wanted to try this, I wanted to try stitching the image together is to keep the bokeh. The tree in the bottom right corner is a perfect example of this.

Stitched Together Washington Monument
The next image is just showing the kite festival that was happening. You can see in this image I was not able to capture the whole monument, and made it worth it to use the stitched method.
Image out of the 50mm f/1.8 too far zoomed in. 

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