Thursday, April 12, 2012

Story Telling

One of the things I have been working on with my photos is trying to tell a story. Paint a picture in people's minds with what I saw that day. I am trying to stimulate thoughts of what happen that day. As if you were truly there watching the event happen. I know this is a photojournalist type of style, and I am at the beginning stages of learning this. 

Today's Picture:
 I wanted to post the picture of Lauren blower bubbles. Maddie watching her, and then going crazy chasing the bubbles. Haha, making bubbles fun again. I personally don't find the huge excitement in bubbles. However, to see someone enjoy them so much, makes them fun again. 

Things I did to take the above photos:

  • I used my 55-200mm lens, with the camera on continuous focus. 
    • This is because Maddie was running around so much, to lock the focus would make it impossible to take a good photo. 
  • I zoomed the lens out to about 200mm to compress the background, and had the aperture wide open to give a more bokeh feel. 
    • This makes it so the subject is fully in focus, and nothing is distracting from the background. 
  • Finally, I got down on the same level as the dog, giving you a different perspective. Making the picture feel as if you are Maddie. 

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