Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Truck that fell over

So I am driving to work and merging from 295 to 195. A 18 wheeler its in front of me, and starts to lose control. I am about 50 feet behind the truck as it fell over... It was kicking all kinds of plowed snow into the road, as I was trying to avoid it. I flew all the way to the far lanes to avoid the tracktor trailer. I pulled over as soon as I could, and started to run towards the truck, while dialing 911. I was on the phone with 911 and calling up to the man seeing if he was okay! He finally answered with blood on his face, I asked him if here could get out of the truck but the door would not open for him. He was about 12 feet in the air, so it would of been pretty hard to help him out of the truck. I hung up with the dispatcher, and about 2 minutes later 2 police officers showed up. Then 4 mo showed up, I figured I wasnt needed. I left and went to work... Attached pictures are at the end.

Song of the day: Modest Mouse - float on.

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