Friday, April 6, 2012

Understanding Lighting

I tried earlier with understanding lighting with Mrs. Moran.
Later that day, I tried using multiple subjects. Below is the picture that I took.

Sue, Ginny, Murphy, and Katie - f/16, 1/200s, ISO-200
Some self critiques: 
  • Lighting is harsh in the face. 
    • Corrective Action: I should of positioned them with the sun to the right, and had the flash to the left. This would of made for more even lighting. 
    • Angle the Light from above to reduce the shadow created from Murphy.
  • Clipped of Harry (bottom Right of photo)
    • I should of rotated/backed up to include him in the photo.
  • Increased the F-stop
    • Would of blurred the background out, not made it as distracting. Move everyone so you wouldn't see the cars in the background. 

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