Thursday, April 5, 2012

Some Portraits

I am trying to improve my portrait taking abilities. Below are some I have taken, I love how sharp the image is of Ryan. I find myself not even believing how sharp I was able to get the photo. I believe it is due to proper exposure, lighting, and settings on my camera.

Ryan on the Computer - f/2.8, 1/200s, ISO-100, 

Furby in USPS Crate - f/1.8, 1/200s, ISO-800

My goal is to get more repeatable results with my camera. Now that I know it is completely possible, it is just up to me to be able to achieve the results. 

The reason I used 1/200s is the max sync speed with the flash on the D5000.
You may notice this happening a lot with my photos. I love the faster shutter speed to keep the picture sharp. I can just control the brightness with the flash.

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